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Case Study

A pathway to partnership with Massey University


Client: Massey University
Project: Fire Protection, System Maintenance & Upgrade 
Buildings: Academic facilities & Student Village Location: Albany Campus, Auckland

The need to change

Previous fire protection support had a lack of responsiveness that did not meet Massey’s evolving needs. Some systems technology was outdated, and communication was often lacking clarity.We needed not only a well-respected, premier provider of Fire Protection and Building Compliant services, but also a partner offering an exceptional level of expertise and regular communication.

Patrick JonesCampus Services Manager | Massey University Auckland
Patrick Jones

Massey University Auckland campus in Albany spreads over the East Precinct and Albany Village sites, with various property types, including academic buildings, recreational facilities, childcare facility and a student village with several multi-storied student accommodation buildings for more than 300 tenants. The primary goal for Massey University is to ensure the safety of all students and staff by minimising fire risks and ensuring all systems remain compliant to provide a swift response in case of emergencies.

Pathway to Partnership

AquaFire® began its partnership with the University in November 2022 by providing a comprehensive assessment of the 350 units of HOFFE (hand-operated fire-fighting equipment), sharing expert advice, and offering general recommendations for improvements. By March 2024, AquaFire had taken over as the preferred fire protection service provider for the entire Massey Campus and student accommodation buildings. Detailed reports revealed several non-compliance issues in both active and passive fire protection systems.



Recommissioning of the Fire Alarm System

Re-programming and gradual upgrade of the fire alarm and fire suppression system in all campus buildings

Monthly Fire Safety Compliance reporting detailing not only issues, but providing recommendations for corrective actions

Regular and thorough IQP revisions for consultations on passive fire system features

Establishing PPMS – Preventative Planned Maintenance Services schedule

Kobus Mans

AquaFire® has been professional, open and honest in keeping us informed, whilst taking the ownership of our Fire Activation and Fire Suppression systems. Their team of technical experts has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience, paired with deep understanding of the challenges and constraints of Massey University. They truly listen and adapt to our needs.

Kobus MansFacilities Supervisor | Massey Halls Auckland

Future Solutions

Massey’s future projects include finalisation of the Fire systems’ upgrade across all premises in Albany. Another key focus is on expanding the current AquaFire® contract nationwide to cover all three campuses.

Mitigate your
risks and
prioritise your
people's safety.

A fire protection compliance assessment evaluates the hazards that a fire presents to a premises and the people in it. Find out how AquaFire can assist you to manage your obligations effectively with a FREE compliance assessment. Simply enter your name and we’ll be in touch to book your assessment.

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